Advanced Equipilates Biomechanics Trainer™ Course (AEBT)
Five modules for more study into partnership and performance...
Read on for more details on each module. Module 1- Equitation in 3D Module 2- Integrating ABC Module 3- Equipoise Module 4- Equitation Evolved Module 5- Thinking Laterally Course Fees: Each module is £350, with the course fees for all five modules totalling £1750. For early birds who are ready to grab the opportunity of next level learning with both hands, you can pay upfront and get 10% off, paying just £1575! We do take credit cards. Otherwise you can pay a deposit of £300 and then £150 per month by standing order (all payments must be cleared by the start of the course- any residual balance must be cleared 30 days before the final module). If you'd like to sign up for individual modules as CPD, you can pay a £150 deposit to reserve your place and then the balance 30 days before your module dates. |
Whether you’re an Equipilates™ teacher who also works with horses professionally or you ride for pleasure in addition to your Equipilates™ teaching, this course will help you
progress YOUR riding, YOUR training, and help your clients reach whole new levels of performance. So much more than muscles and movements… Here at Equipilates™ our ethos promotes and delivers ethical, effective training to rider and horse which focuses on developing the partnership’s true performance potential. We use practical and progressive ideas and exercises, tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We are committed to offering quality coaching to all levels of rider and horse, weekend hackers and international competitors alike. If you are interested in this too, then we’d love you to join our level 2 course… The AEBT course is comprised of ten days of face to face tuition, with online learning and case studies to complete your qualification. With modules exploring intrinsic biomechanics of the rider on a deeper level and introducing the ABC on horseback, we then cover different aspects of horse and rider partnership with three further modules including guest presenters. You’ll be supported with online learning which you’ll be able to access before your course starts; this includes our Biomechanics of Balance group exercise which offers a prescriptive structure for your clients, and is a very precisely designed conditioning programme based on the principles introduced in ‘Core Connection for Rider & Horse’. The AEBT course takes forward the principles and techniques we have explored so far and develops them further, both in the studio and on horseback. If you’d like to deepen your knowledge of intrinsic biomechanics and work with riders on horses the Advanced Equipilates Biomechanics Trainer™ modules offer you effective evidence based and holistically evolved equestrian performance solutions. |
This module explores riding in 3D through identifying restrictions in the body through both an isolated approach using further intrinsic biomechanics assessment and corrective exercises, plus through global integration by correlating prescriptive exercises to improve function for riding. •Assessment and intervention- improving shoulder function; intrinsic biomechanical diagnostics and corrective exercises including for upper and lower limb nerve tension plus the rotator cuff •Functionalise….how does human gait connect to riding? Working in 3 planes of movement, you’ll explore simple gait assessment and exercise tools to developing even limb loading and spinal movement potential. 3D exercises to improve patterning, strength and conditioning for lateral movement body positioning and jumping position. The appropriate application of these corrective exercises improves: •shock absorption capacity •symmetry in the saddle •a feeling, responsive and responsible contact through the reins. •core activation |
On the second core module, you will be putting the principles and techniques you have explored so far into practice with riders on horses. We will be using video footage and assessing a number of different rider/horse combinations so you can develop your ‘eye’ and also practise your teaching skills. •Analyse postural deviations and the effect on the horse’s way of going •Facilitate the 4D breathing techniques to achieve ‘coherence’ in the rider & improve flow with the horse • •Coach the half halt aiding and modifying core engagement appropriately for the combination • PLUS •Identify response deficits in the horse’s training which are influencing rider alignment and vice versa •Coaching techniques to establish rider influence and to develop timing and ‘feel’ |
MODULE 3 -EQUIPOISE; (2 DAYS) Posture, proprioception and performance potential analysis of the horse in association with veterinary physiotherapist and lecturer Lisa Brooke This module explores the potential of the other partner in the dance, the horse. Is he physically capable of carrying out the rider’s training demands? Is his conformation a limiting factor in his performance potential, or has he simply got poor posture? Can you tell the difference? •Conformation or posture? •How can you check? •What are your training goals? •How will you achieve them? You’ll review the anatomy of the horse and familiarise yourself with the bony landmarks and palpation skills necessary to evaluate conformation and posture, along with movement analysis to improve your ‘eye’; can you use the same principles you would employ with a human client to assess how the horse is moving? You’ll work through a series of exercises designed to improve the horse’s comfort, symmetry, suppleness and core activation. You can use these in the stable, as part of an in-hand session or as part of a therapeutic ridden session along with simple massage techniques for the horse which can instantly improve stride length of the hindlimbs and forelimbs, back movement and contact. Whenever we are riding or working with our horses, we are either helping to enhance their physical capacities, or degenerating them. The skills learnt on this module will help you to make each working session like a Pilates session for your horse! We will work with the horses in hand as well as with riders so you can see how the techniques you will learn are implemented into practical sessions. Polework for rehab and performance is also included. You’ll be able to deepen your integration of the ABC along with appropriate strengthening/suppling/rehabilitative exercises for the horse; we will discuss programming of exercises to improve the horse and rider combination suitable for the skill level of the partnership. |
Struggle with any of the following in one or both directions? How about your clients? Leg yield, shoulder in (on a circle and straight!), travers, renvers, pirouettes, half pass? Each lateral movement requires a specific body position and set of pressures from the rider in order to give clear and precise signals to the horse. This module will demystify the body positioning and aiding for lateral work and you’ll explore patterning exercises on the swiss balls as well as on Martha the mechanical horse, so bring your saddle along! You’ll develop a repertoire of Pilates exercises with 3D movement to encourage a stable and adaptable centre of gravity; for all your sideways requirements. You will work with riders on horses to further deepen your ABC application, integrate the skills learnt and see how the movements are trained with the horses too through developing the four basic responses. Why would we choose to ride specific movements with certain horses? We will discuss the horse’s alignment patterns and choose lateral work exercises to address his physical training needs. This module is a must for any dressage rider (aspiring dressage riders also!) or trainer looking to improve their own skills in riding the laterals OR exploring the components of them so you can coach more effectively those clients who are working with laterals. |
the science behind effective and ethical horse training In association with international lecturer Lisa Ashton This module introduces other factors which affect rider alignment, balance, efficiency and aiding; This evidence based work can save hours/weeks/even months of struggling under saddle by explaining clearly which ‘answers’ your clients require from their horses when they ask particular ‘questions’ and make a huge difference to work under saddle. No matter what training methodology or approach you use, certain principles and factors need to be present within it in order for it to be optimal for your horse’s learning, and your safety and training success. You’ll work through online training before this module so we can dive in to applying these principles practically during your face to face learning; you’ll need your hat, gloves and appropriate footwear for the in-hand work. You’ll cover the basic responses from which all ridden movements are created, and practise training these in hand to develop your timing, application and removal of pressures. We’ll explore how this translates into ridden work and you’ll learn how teaching and improving basic responses forms an effective and ethical training basis for your riding and what that means for your clients, the development of their position and their training journey. Learn how to use different ways of motivating your horse so he really wants to work his socks off for you! The science bit… As the welfare of horses in sport and the future of these sports have never been so closely examined, the ability to provide evidence-based ethical, sustainable equitation will define horse welfare and the use of horses in sports in the future. What Is Equitation Science? Equitation science emerged in 2006 to combine learning theory, psychology, biomechanics and ethology to examine the salience and efficacy of horse training methods. ES is the knowledge and application of: •The latest technology to scientifically measure our understanding of the impact training and performance has on horses. •How learning theory and ethology are embedded into training methodologies to enhance practice. •Techniques/methods used in training, riding and managing horses to facilitate the advancement of horsemanship and improvement of equine welfare. “Equitation Science provides a fundamental understanding of the way horses think and presents a system of modern training that has the welfare of the horse at its core – it must be the foundation work for the next generation of professional and amateur riders and trainers. Riders will ride better, trainers will train better and have happier, healthier horses” - Wayne Channon, International Grand Prix Rider Taken and adapted with kind permission from McGreevy and McLean’s (2010) Equitation Science. Wiley-Blackwell, pp271-272: |
Other info you need to know…
We’ve scheduled the workshops in separate 'chunks' so that they are as easy for you to attend as possible, as we know it can be tricky to organise your horses/dogs/families to come away to courses. However for international students, every other year we offer an intensive ‘immersion’ block of learning where you stay with us for the duration- this way you get all of the tools at once and will be able to implement all of your tools into your teaching when you leave us! This is also really helpful for students in far flung areas of the UK who have long distances to travel. If you prefer though, you can attend just one, two, or three modules to suit you and then catch up with the missing ones next year. It is advisable to complete all of your modules within a year, or you may find you need to refresh.
You will be required to complete a written assessment for each module to check your understanding of the syllabus covered. This is completed online. You will also be required to complete two case studies comprised of four sessions each; two dismounted and two working with a horse and rider combinations. The sessions with the horse and rider combination are filmed sessions of around 45 minutes and are submitted via youtube link, DVD or memory stick. No other formats are accepted.
In order to teach riders on horseback it is mandatory that you have appropriate professional and public liability insurance cover for these activities. If you are not already a professional riding instructor/coach please contact us for further details.
Modules can be booked and paid for separately, however completion of all modules plus required assessments are required to gain the Advanced Equipilates Biomechanics Trainer™ certification.