Isabel Houghton |
Equipilates™ Registered Trainer 07790 059227 Isabel is a qualified Level 3 Modern Pilates Instructor and a Level 3 Personal Trainer, specialising in health and fitness, weight loss and nutrition. She is also a qualified massage therapist and her teaching very much encompasses a holistic approach. She enjoyed riding her beautiful Cleveland Bay/Thoroughbred Mercedes whom she sadly lost October 2012 after having a partnership for over 25 wonderful years. Isabel always enjoyed Pilates and was continually amazed at the impact it has on her riding as well as in every day life, hence her decision to train to teach and help others to discover the huge benefits in Equipilates™. She teaches Equipilates™ in small groups and on a one to one basis as well as offering one to one assessments, including postural alignment and functional assessment of the pelvis. |